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shery аватар
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24 Февраль 2010 - 07:55

The detail included explicitly shoes online in the music notation varies between genres and historical periods. In general, art music notation from the 17th through the 19th century required performers to have a great deal of contextual chloe shoes online knowledge about performing styles. For example, in the 17th and 18th century, music notated for solo performers typically indicated a simple, calvin klein shoes online unornamented melody. However, it was expected that performers would know how to add stylistically-appropriate ornaments such as trills and turns. In the 19th century, art music for solo performers may give a general instruction such as to perform the music expressively, without describing in detail how the performer should do this. It was expected that the performer would know how to use tempo changes, jimmy choo shoes online accentuation, and pauses (among other devices) to obtain this "expressive" performance style. In the 20th century, art music notation often became more explicit and used a range of markings and annotations to indicate to performers how they should play or sing the piece.

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Серьга аватар
Последнее посещение: 14 лет 51 неделя назад
Зарегистрирован(а): 11.01.2010
Карма: слушатель (0)

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