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6 Ноябрь 2013 - 11:08

11 May, xinhuanet.com Yunnan channel (reporter Zhao Dachun) due women handbag 2013 to persistent drought and the last frost disasters caused by the time period of the forestry harmful biological hazards exacerbate the effects, the forestry harmful biology in Yunnan province was Rbaby cotton hat the outbreak situation.
Yunnan province forestry hall hall to grow Chen Yuhou to hold 10 days of drought resistance in Yunnan province situation analysis revealed that, according to rings the forestry department statistics, currently Yunnan province forest harmful biological area already amounted to 3622000 mus, grow 64.
6% compared to the same period, the disaster area 1793200 mus, Child Sleep hat grow 88.7% compared to the same period, the economic loss of 390000000 yuan.Many economic leather bags Guilin drought induced wood moth, moth, leaf beetle, scale shell, beetles, Pantana phyllostachysae Chao, pests and diseases, because the phenomenon is very serious.
Chen Yuhou said, stud earrings according to the current drought situation analysis, the occurrence of forest pests in the area will increase substantially, aggravated, the grim situation.In the rainy season, under high temperature and high humidity conditions, extremely easy to cause the forest plant rust, powdery mildew, rot, featured economic forest bacterial canker and moth, partial sawfly, beetle, plant diseases and insect pests is also likely to be a large area, control more difficult.

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Понтия аватар
Последнее посещение: 2 года 45 недель назад
Зарегистрирован(а): 01.01.2011
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