Цель проекта - создать мощный и удобный инструмент для поселений. Это и поиск новых соседей, и продукция ручной работы от мастеров, и курсы и тренинги.
we are a group of people from holland. we are interested in joining a community (eco-village) in russia. we are 'awake and aware' and we would love to live in love and harmony with other people who feel the same. we believe in edgar cayce's prediction who said that "the peace in the world will start in russia". we can build our own house.
if you can help us with some advice, for instance, what eco-village would be good for us, and what would be the requirements, we would love to hear from you! sorry, we don't speak russian yet, we are working on it :)
you can reach us at keesdegraaff@gmail.com
kind regards,
kees de graaff,
the hague, holland.